1/4 cup vegetable oil1/4 cup white sugar1/2 cup unpopped popcorn kernelsHeat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat. Once hot, stir in the sugar and popcorn. Cover, and shake the pot constantly to keep the sugar from burning. Once the popping has slowed to once every 2 to 3 seconds, remove the pot from the heat and continue to shake for a few minutes until the popping has stopped. Pour into a large bowl, and allow to cool, stirring occasionally to break up large clumps.
Amount Per Serving Calories: 209 | Total Fat: 11.9g | Cholesterol: 0mg view all reviews »

Cheap, quick, and easy! I put oil and three kernels in the pot, when all three kernels pop I add the sugar and stir it around well, then I add the rest of the popcorn kernels and put the lid on. Then I alternate shaking the pot for three seconds with letting it sit on the burner for three seconds until I hear the popping begin to slow down, then I take off the lid and sprinkle some salt in, replace the lid, give it another shake and pour it out into a bowl. Haven't had a batch burn yet with the "3-second shake and sit" technique. ;-) Was this review helpful? [ YES ]
678 users found this review helpful Cheap, quick, and easy! I put oil and three kernels in the pot, when all three kernels pop I...

I don't have one of those neat hand-crank popcorn-making-thingys. I have absolutely zero experience making popcorn on the stove. What I do have is a pot that I normally use for chili and pasta, a fondness for kettle corn, and a heck of a of a nerve on me. Here's what I did, mistakes and all: I did the 3-kernel test, and then added the sugar and the popcorn at the same time. (I'm not going to call that a mistake, but I think next time I'll add the sugar, let it melt, and then add the popcorn - the way I did it this afternoon, the popcorn started to pop before the sugar was melted.) I used canola oil and thought it was fine. I added 1 tsp of salt plus a pinch or two to the sugar; next time I might stick to just 1 tsp, as I found some pieces to be a little salty. I did the three-seconds-on-the-heat/three-seconds-off-the-heat thing, shaking the entire time, and I probably pulled it a little early because I'd rather have a few unpopped kernels than burned sugar and popcorn. The end result was very, very tasty. Some of the pieces carmelized quite a bit, others didn't; I preferred the ones that didn't, but that didn't stop me from eating the entire batch by myself. Cleanup was no problem; the cooled sugar melted right off again with hot water. Thanks for the great recipe! Edit: Later, I tried letting the sugar melt before adding the popcorn. I thought the sugar carmelized too much - it tasted burned instead of sweet. I'll add them at the same time from now on. Was this review helpful? [ YES ]
180 users found this review helpful I don't have one of those neat hand-crank popcorn-making-thingys. I have absolutely zero...
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